Senin, 18 Oktober 2010
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Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010
>Pengertian Telnet
Telnet/TeleNetwork adalah remote login yang dapat terjadi di internet karena ada service dari protocol TELNET.Dengan Telnet memungkinkan kita untuk mengakses komputer lain secara remote melalui internet.
Dalam bahasa yang mudah kita dapat memberikan perintah kepada komputer lain baik membuat file,mengedit,menghapus dan menjalankan suatu perintah hanya melalui komputer di depan meja kita.Telnet banyak di pakai dalam mesin berbasis UNIX dan sangat jarang aplikasi telnet pada mesin berbasis Windows NT/200
>Cara Kerja Telnet
Untuk dapat mengakses telnet,biasanya (dan seharusnya) kita memiliki sebuah account atau login di komputer yang di tuju.Dan login tersebut disertai password (kata kunci) sebagai verivikasi atau sebagai legalisasi dari account yang kita masukkan,dan account tersebut di berikan oleh sang administrator atau lembaga yang memiliki server yang dapat di-TELNET.
Contoh menjalankan dengan Windows 9x:
-klik start button pada pojok kiri bawah
-klik Run
-Ketik TElnet
klik OK
Diposting oleh pedestrian street shadows di 19.21 0 komentar
Senin, 19 Juli 2010
Tujuan Internet
Diposting oleh pedestrian street shadows di 21.20 0 komentar
Internet merupakan jaringan komputer yang dibentuk oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat di tahun 1969, melalui proyek ARPA yang disebut ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network), di mana mereka mendemonstrasikan bagaimana dengan hardware dan software komputer yang berbasis UNIX, kita bisa melakukan komunikasi dalam jarak yang tidak terhingga melalui saluran telepon. Proyek ARPANET merancang bentuk jaringan, kehandalan, seberapa besar informasi dapat dipindahkan, dan akhirnya semua standar yang mereka tentukan menjadi cikal bakal pembangunan protokol baru yang sekarang dikenal sebagai TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
Tujuan awal dibangunnya proyek itu adalah untuk keperluan militer. Pada saat itu Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (US Department of Defense) membuat sistem jaringan komputer yang tersebar dengan menghubungkan komputer di daerah-daerah vital untuk mengatasi masalah bila terjadi serangan nuklir dan untuk menghindari terjadinya informasi terpusat, yang apabila terjadi perang dapat mudah dihancurkan.
Pada mulanya ARPANET hanya menghubungkan 4 situs saja yaitu Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah, di mana mereka membentuk satu jaringan terpadu di tahun 1969, dan secara umum ARPANET diperkenalkan pada bulan Oktober 1972. Tidak lama kemudian proyek ini berkembang pesat di seluruh daerah, dan semua universitas di negara tersebut ingin bergabung, sehingga membuat ARPANET kesulitan untuk mengaturnya.
Oleh sebab itu ARPANET dipecah manjadi dua, yaitu "MILNET" untuk keperluan militer dan "ARPANET" baru yang lebih kecil untuk keperluan non-militer seperti, universitas-universitas. Gabungan kedua jaringan akhirnya dikenal dengan nama DARPA Internet, yang kemudian disederhanakan menjadi Internet.
Diposting oleh pedestrian street shadows di 21.19 0 komentar
Rabu, 19 Mei 2010
The Top Streetball Legends Of All Time

Earl "The Goat" Manigault was a 6''1' guard who grew up playing on the streets of New York, most famously Rucker Park. His nickname as "The Goat" is believed to originate from either the habitually mispronunciation of this last name, or from the acronym of "Greatest of All Time." The latter is quite possible considering that Manigault is considered by many to be the greatest basketball player to ever live. For example; when Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had his number retired for the Lakers he was asked who the best player he's ever played against washis answer was Earl Manigault. Manigault was known for his incredible shooting, and his amazing jumping ability which was a result of him wearing strength building ankle weights throughout his early playing years. He is said to have had over a 52 inch vertical leap with the ability to grab dollars off the top of a backboard and leave change, literally. Earl was recruited by over 75 major universities including Duke, Indiana & North Carolina, but ended up attending Johnson C. Smith University. Earl lasted only one semester due to poor grades and subsequently limited playing time. After leaving college Earl got caught up in drugs and spent two years in prison. Upon his release, Earl stopped using drugs and started the "Walk Away from Drugs" basketball tournament where he continued to work until 1998 when he tragically died of heart failure. It's safe to say that when you're talking about the greatest basketball players of all time, streetball or not, Earl Manigault's name can be mentioned with no hesitation.
Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell

Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell is a 5 foot 7 streetball legend from Oakland, California. Also known as Waliy Abdur Rahim, Hook Mitchell is best known for his incredible leaping ability; performing backboard shattering ally-oops, 12 foot rim dunks, and car jumping 360 dunks. NBA all-stars like Gary Payton and Jason Kidd have been quoted as saying Hook was a better skilled player than they, and that he is the best basketball player to never make the NBA. Hook never made it as a professional because of his problems with drug addiction and crime. He served a 51 month prison sentence ending in April 2004 for armed robbery, and upon his release tried out for the Golden State Warriors at the age of 39. Unfortunately for Hook he was cut after training camp, it was just too late for him to get his start. Hook Mitchell was the focus of a recent independent film entitled "Hooked" which was featured at the Tribeca Film Festival and has been the winner of various documentary awards.
Pee Wee Kirkland

Richard "Pee Wee" Kirkland is a streetball legend from Harlem, New York. Pee Wee made his name playing at Rucker Park in New York and with his storied rivalry with Tiny Archibald. Pee Wee was drafted by the Chicago Bulls in the fourth round of the 1969 draft but ultimately turned down the Bulls offer due to the fact that he was making more money with his involvement in illegal street activities. These activities eventually caught up with Kirkland and landed him in jail for an extended period. Kirkland didn't stop playing ball however, and wound up scoring 100 points & 135 points in two separate ABL games. Now a reformed man, Pee Wee Kirkland travels the country for his "School of Skillz" program (sponsored by Nike) which helps children with good decision making and self-esteem. Kirkland has also been successful as a high school basketball coach, winning championships with Trevor Day High School.
Joe Hammond

Joe "The Destroyer" Hammond was a scorer, plain and simple. Joe did most of his scoring at Rucker Park in New York, on one occasion dropping 50 points in one half on Dr. J Julius Irving. He also set a Rucker Park single game scoring record with 82 points. Joe was offered an NBA contract from the Lakers after being tipped off by Wilt Chamberlain, but Joe turned it down because the contract did not include a no-cut clause. Despite never playing a single minute in college or as a pro, some consider Joe "The Destroyer" Hammond to be the best offensive threat to ever play the game.
Fly Williams

James "Fly" Williams of Brooklyn was a 6 foot 5 inch Guard who came up playing on the playgrounds of New York City. Fly Williams got his nickname due to his "fly" wardrobes and flamboyant playing style. He was known as a prolific scorer who once scored 63 points on NBA hall of famer Moses Malone in a Dapper Dan Classic game. Fly took his playground skills to the collegiate level in 1972 when he was recruited to play at Austin Peay University in Tennessee. While at Austin Peay, Fly averaged 28.5 points per game in two years of play before leaving due to off the court hardships. Fans used to line up five hours before the game for a chance to see Fly play, and for a chance to catch one of Fly's legendary antics such as dribbling the ball of the court during play for a water break, or joining the fans in the stands when he disagreed with how the coach was managing the game. The crowds grew to love Fly Williams and even came up with clever chants for him such as "Fly is open, let's go Peay!" Fly spent time in the ABA, CBA and overseas but ultimately fell short of the NBA mainly due to his unprofessional attitude. Fly's career was definitively dashed when he was injured by a shotgun blast during a failed robbery attempt. Fly has since turned his ship around and now spends most of his time working with disadvantaged youths.
Diposting oleh pedestrian street shadows di 00.35 0 komentar
Rabu, 07 April 2010
iPhone Baru Dikabarkan Akan Diumumkan Minggu Ini
SAN FRANCISCO, KOMPAS.com - Tak sampai seminggu setelah memulai penjualan iPad ke konsumen, Apple bakal punya gawe besar lagi. Kali ini, masa depan software iPhone yang akan diumumkan. Apakah versi iPhone terbaru juga akan diungkap?
Informasi yang pasti, Apple telah mengirim email ke sejumlah media untuk menghadiri pertemuan di kantor pusatnya di Cupertino, California, AS, pada Kamis (8/4/2010) mendatang. Dalam undangan hanya disebutkan, penjelasan awal mengenai iPhone OS (operating system).
Bisa jadi Apple akan mengungkap sistem operasi iPhone yang sempat menjadi rumor dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Bahkan, bukan tidak mungkin bocoran mengenai perangkat iPhone terbaru yang selama ini banyak disebut-sebut akan diberi nama iPhone 4.0.
iPhone merupakan salah satu lini produk buatan Apple yang sukses di pasaran selain komputer Mac dan iPod. Apple meluncurkan iPhone pertama kali tahun 2007 dan berhasil menjual 40 juta unit sampai sekarang dari veris pertama iPhone, iPhone 3G, hingga versi ketiga iPhone 3GS. Nah, kapan iPhone 4.0 keluar?
Diposting oleh pedestrian street shadows di 00.31 0 komentar
Baik sebagai hiburan maupun untuk terapi, dunia permainan telah menjadi komoditi bisnis yang menjanjikan. Jadi jika Anda adalah ingin terus bermain sampai tua, mungkin profesi-profesi di bawah ini bisa jadi pilihan.
1. Desainer Game dan MainanOrang-orang ini umumnya adalah para enterpreneur yang menjual ide mereka ke perusahaan games dan mainan. Mereka terlibat dari pembuatan sketsa awal, pemrograman komputer, hingga pembuatan prototype mainan. Desainer juga bertugas untuk bermain dengan prototype tersebut sambil menguji coba sekaligus mencari cara mengembangkan mainan tersebut agar jadi lebih menyenangkan.
2. Desainer Video GameProfesi ini menuntut jam kerja yang panjang dan melelahkan. Tapi desainer video game menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya untuk menciptakan dunia imajinasi, membuat karakter-karakter baru, dan menguji coba video games tersebut sampai sempurna. Jam kerja, bagi mereka adalah waktunya bermain video game.
3. Recreational TherapistSemua tahu bahwa bermain itu menyenangkan. Tapi tahukah Anda bahwa bermain juga bisa menyembuhkan penyakit. Recreational therapist bertugas membantu pasiennya mempelajari hal-hal baru dan menghilangkan depresi melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Selain harus terampil di bidang musik, olahraga, kerajinan tangan, dan berbagai macam permainan, seorang recreational therapist juga harus mengenyam pendidikan di bidang terapi atau konseling.
4. Activities DirectorProfesi ini dibutuhkan di berbagai tempat, dari mulai kampus, kapal pesiar, hotel dan resor, hingga rumah sakit. Activity directors bertugas untuk mengelola games dan hiburan di berbagai acara yang melibatkan banyak orang. Kabar baiknya, untuk menjadi seorang activity director tidak dibutuhkan latar belakang pendidikan khusus. Cukup kemampuan berkomunikasi dan mengelola kelompok besar.
Diposting oleh pedestrian street shadows di 00.10 0 komentar